Sync (Aha) Actors, Cast & Crew
Sync is an Indian Tamil-language horror film that premiered on Aha Tamil and directed by Vikas Anand Sridharan. The show revolves around a group of friends who are haunted by the ghost of a girl they accidentally hit with their car and left for dead while returning from a road trip. They are tormented by her spirit during a video call, as they struggle to come to terms with their actions. Here’s the complete list of the cast and crew of ‘Sync’:
Kishen Das
Monica Chinnakotla
Soundarya Bala Nandakumar
Nandhini Vinod
Secondary cast
- Hari
- Shrijha
- Dhanush
- Bharani
- Charles Velankkani
- Naveen George Thomas
- Supriya Rao
- Karthick Krishna
- J. Kalaiyarasi
- Sheela Vishwanath